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Project K36-Samurai2


The next generation of the K36-SAMURAI plan is now unveiled. The original K36 project (click here for the original concept) has teamed up with SDK for engineering and Pauger for construction. The new K36-SAMURAI2 is a generic version of the original K36, but lighter and more powerful, with a slight sacrifice in very light wind performance and a significant increase in medium and heavy wind performance. A lightweight, high performance racing boat designed to compete in the IRC and ORC rating systems. Designed for race-oriented owners who want fast, fun sailing.


Designer’s comment:

When I started as a CFD researcher 30 years ago, my role was to develop new CFD codes and research wave drag reduction. Since then, I have used CFD as a tool in the design of many boats, including merchant ships, high-speed hydrofoil catamarans, wing-assisted vessels, racing dinghies and high-performance keelboats, including wooden racers, in the pursuit of improved performance, following my participation in three America's Cup IACC projects. My basic design process has always been a scientific approach using feedback from actual performance. The continuous challenge of designing for performance in commercial and racing boats and designing for slight differences in dinghies has resulted in the latest 470 and this K36-SAMURAI2 design. The most important thing in designing various hull forms over the last 30 years is the spirit of never giving up, even when we have what we think is a good hull form, we aim to make it even better, assuming a hypothetical competitor. This is an important point and the necessary way to get the best and most satisfactory design. As design is time-constrained, experience, skill and a bit of luck are all important to design efficiently in a short period of time. In this sense, the latest K36-SAMURAI2 is a design I am proud to offer. On request, I will be happy to visit you to explain this new racing boat.

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